DISPERSE at the Rachel Carson Center, Munich, 12–14th October 2016

Members of DISPERSE took part in a workshop on the Environmental Context of Human Evolution and Dispersal convened by Simon Kübler of the Ludwig Maximilians University and supported by the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society. Speakers included Geoff Bailey, Frank Brown (University of Utah), Anke Friedrich (LMU) and Geoffrey King.
The workshop included field-based lectures and visits to geological features and archaeological cave sites in the Lonetal, the Blautal and Achtal, the narrow valleys that provide routes of access between the Swabian Alp and the Danube Valley. Sites visited included the Vogelherd Archäopark and the Hohle Fels, which have yielded some of the earliest Upper Palaeolithic assemblages in Europe, and are famous for their miniature ivory figurines.
The photograph shows some of the workshop participants at the entrance to the Hohle Fels, from L to R: Christian Schnurr, Simon Kübler, Frank Brown, Geoffrey King, Geoff Bailey and Anke Friedrich.